Monday, March 28, 2011


I am not sure why he feels the need to bother his brother and why his brother has to bother him back. Each morning it is the same, they eat breakfast together and than one starts to poke and than its all down hill from there.
It take all morning for me to get them ready for us to go tutoring and I feel like I am always telling them the same thing to get ready. But they just don't seem listen.
Kodi is working so very hard for Melissa he wants to learn he wants to do his best. I can hear Kodi jumping around to help him think better. Which in turn helps him think.
As spring comes the warmer it get and the more Kodi is able to be outside before he has tutoring and school and the more he is able to get the input he needs. After we left tutoring the boys ate lunch and than we took Kodi to school. Once I picked him up he played outside and became very crabby which I can't stand. But I just ignore him and he stops. We had FHE watched a living scripture movie and than talked about what we watched afterwards.
It was a good night and a good day!

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