Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I am trying to be better at bloging and make sure that I keep a record for Kodi and the rest of my family. I was amazed that this morning my two older boys let me sleep in and I did not wake up to hearing them fit. Kodi also is once again sleeping in his bed, which I love since we are visiting family and are not in our own house. I was for a while have all three boys in bed in with and I was the one who did not sleep.
I have noticed that Kodi is getting sick like the rest of my family and is able to process this a little better. He went to his appt with this tutor and she listened to what I had to say about his SPD and when wasn't able to focus to have him jump,bear walk, push the wall, move the table basically do some heavy input and it would make a difference. I was trying to get some heavy input before we went to see her but it was raining outside and last night was the first night I got some good sleep.
But he did do very well for her and listened, I could hear him jumping and answering her question. Which made me very happy. I also made some floor blocks for his feet so he was grounded while he did some table work.
We than headed back home for lunch before school and of course his younger brother decided it would be fun torture him with a pickel. Yes a pickel Kodi hates the smell and everything about pickels.Once that was over we left for school and the rest of his day was great. He loves school and his teachers we will be sad when we return to VA

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